Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Where is America Headed?

Ok well its not a surprise how many seats the Dems lost last night.  But it is people like Rand Paul that make me worry for the future of our country.  I mean honestly, he said, "There are no rich, there are no middle class, there are no poor." then five seconds later he says, "we all work for rich people, or we sell stuff to rich people..." So basically he just went back on what he said.  Additionally, he is all about "fiscal conservatism," where tax breaks are the main ideology.  I mean people love tax breaks but we need taxes to lower our deficit.  Additionally, he said he wants less government and government can not produce jobs.  Well if Rand Paul read a history book, he would see that FDR (maybe one of the greatest or at least innovative Presidents of all time) created thousands of jobs in order to spur the economy in the worst Depression ever!  So please, i really hope his extreme ideology does not carry over into congress.  Check out the videos and see what i am talking about....

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